Though usage-based is undoubtedly the more popular SaaS pricing model, with 61% of SaaS companies using it in 2022, today we are witnessing a shift as more and more businesses adopt more complex hybrid pricing models to balance the nexus between usage and subscription-based methods.
Stigg is announcing the launch of its new advanced metering capabilities, making it the only solution today that supports both metering and entitlements—the core to support hybrid pricing models.
This will allow B2B SaaS companies to build any pricing model and run pricing iterations, without costly, time-consuming manpower, resources, or maintenance.
Stigg was launched in Tel Aviv, Israel, last June by two former New Relic executives with a $6.4 million seed fund.
The Stigg platform is built on the premise that the SaaS pricing issue is “rooted in code, not billing,” as the business puts it. This indicates that Stigg is aiming its easy-to-integrate API at developers to separate the price from the billing process.
Customers can experiment with various feature and pricing bundles with Stigg, obtain detailed usage insight into their product, iterate with feature limitations and free trials, and play around with various metered pricing structures.; manage alerts to inform users about their free trial status; and automatically keep the website pricing page up-to-date as the company A/B tests various pricing and packaging combos.
The most recent no-code solution from Stigg can be set up by the product team without the need for extra engineering support.
Without the proper abstraction methods, managing pricing changes at the code level can become more complicated than necessary. With entitlements, users can quickly and easily update their offerings because the price model and application logic can be separated.