In this article ADEOLA ADEJOKUN looks at the good old Email versus Messenger apps as communication tools for marketing communication use:
In an era where your digital life’s worth is almost equivalent to your social media following, there’s an older man in the corner that nobody’s paying much attention to – email.
It’s the guy who’s been at the party since it started but now seems a little out of place next to the cool kids on the block, WhatsApp and Telegram.
The Cool Kids: Messaging Apps
You’re at a family dinner, and your phone pings. It’s a WhatsApp message from your gym announcing a discount. Convenient, right?
Messaging apps have become the convenience stores of communication – quick, accessible, and right around the corner.
They’re nimble; they’re quick; they get the job done. You can almost hear email coughing in the background, saying, “I used to be the star player here.”
But What About Email?
However, dismissing email is like ignoring the wisdom of your grandparents while tuning in to the latest reality show. Yes, the latter is entertaining, but the former has depth, resilience, and character. According to Statista, email usage still trumps WhatsApp by nearly double.
It said that in 2022, the number of global email users amounted to 4.26 billion and will grow to 4.73 billion in 2026. Email is the vintage wine; it just gets better with age.
Case Study: Fashion Retail
Let’s take a look at the fashion retail industry. Brands often use WhatsApp or SMS for flash sales or quick announcements. However, email is king when it comes to detailed seasonal catalogues or loyalty programs.

Because an email allows for more content and it’s not intrusive. Moreover, businesses often find it easier to navigate the regulatory and compliance aspects of email marketing.
Leadership Meeting on WhatsApp?
Picture this: Your boss shifts your department’s bi-weekly leadership meeting discussions to WhatsApp. The finance guy sends Excel sheets, and the digital marketing lead responds with emojis.
The brand management lead uses this as an opportunity to share his collection of cat GIFs. Nightmare, right? There are spaces where messaging apps fall flat, and that’s where the robustness of email shines.
The True Value of Email
Let’s get sentimental for a moment. Remember the anticipation you felt when waiting for that college acceptance email? How about the joy of seeing a job offer appear in your inbox?

Emails carry an emotional weight that a messaging app can’t emulate. It’s the ‘sealed with a kiss’ of digital communication.
Not going away soon
In a nutshell, email marketing isn’t going away just because messaging apps are multiplying like rabbits. If anything, they’re like the odd couple who bicker but can’t do without each other.
Messaging apps are the espresso shots—quick, potent, and effective. On the other hand, emails are like a family dinner—thoughtful, abundant, and deep.
In the end, a balanced diet needs both the quick energy of sugar and the sustained release of complex carbs. Similarly, a well-rounded communication strategy needs both email and messaging apps.
One is not better than the other; they’re just different. And like any odd couple, they’re most effective when combined.

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