Pavel Durov, the founder of the popular messaging platform Telegram, has reportedly been arrested in France.
According to sources, Pavel Durov was apprehended around 8 PM on Saturday at Le Bourget airport, located on the outskirts of Paris. The arrest follows a search warrant issued by French authorities as part of a preliminary investigation.
The circumstances surrounding the arrest of Pavel Durov remain shrouded in mystery, with unconfirmed reports suggesting a range of serious allegations, including support for terrorism, drug trafficking, conspiracy, fraud, money laundering, and more. This is due to lack of censorship on the Telegram platform.
While these accusations are yet to be substantiated, they have led to talks about the true motivations behind his detention.
One theory is that Durov’s arrest could be linked to Telegram’s controversial stand on user privacy and free speech.
The platform has been cautioned by various governments for its refusal to censor content or collaborate with law enforcement, with some accusing Telegram of enabling criminal activities by offering features like disposable numbers and cryptocurrency transactions.
With the news of Durov’s arrest, many are urging Telegram users to back up and clean up their accounts, fearing potential repercussions in the ongoing issue.
The situation has also led to discussions about the future of Telegram, especially with the upcoming election season, where the platform is often an important tool for communication.
While the investigation is ongoing, official statements are yet to be released.
More details later…
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