End-user computing is the foundation of an organisation’s IT operations because it is at the coalface of cybersecurity, and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and the blockchain depend on secure devices that are functioning efficiently.
Because of this, organisations need a strategy that shifts from reactive only, to proactive and preventative maintenance, says Siddika Osman, Nkgwete IT Solutions CEO.
“If an employee’s laptop doesn’t work, they can’t be productive. It’s as simple as that. With the shift to remote and hybrid work, and even changes forced by the pandemic, employees’ devices have become more critical than ever before, because they’re the gateway to virtual collaboration and accessing business systems,” explains Osman.
“The reliability and uptime of end-user devices is crucial for maintaining productivity and business continuity. The only way this is achieved is by bolstering reactive maintenance with smart, and ongoing, proactive maintenance of devices across the organisation,” she explains.
Osman says that this is precisely why Nkgwete IT Solutions, which employs 150 people and handles 6,000 tickets monthly, while maintaining a 96% customer satisfaction rate for 11 years, has prioritised preventative maintenance and offers seamless, fast walk-in centres.
“Let’s be realistic, over and above a malfunctioning laptop which will directly affect productivity, outdated or unsecured devices can also pose a risk to businesses as they can serve as an entry point for cyber threats and data breaches. Only recently we learnt that cybercrime cost this country $4-billion in 2024. No one can afford to be casual about securing devices,” she explains.
“It’s no small task, and without the right technical expertise and processes in place, resolving end-user computing challenges and securing the devices can be time-consuming and frustrating for employees and IT departments,” she says.
Osman, whose organisation has a 40% female representation at technician level and a 50% female representation at management level, says this is precisely why Nkgwete holds four ISO certifications, which requires that the business is audited annually, and has implemented a robust security protocol.
Ngkwete means “champion”, a deliberate name choice, says Osman, implying that professionalism and accountability are built into the DNA of the business.
“We take the champion name seriously, which is why the business has a deliberate strategy of hiring engineers with at least a national diploma in IT and CompTIA A+ and N+ certification.
“We were awarded for having the most CompTIA certified engineers in Africa but this isn’t the end in and of itself. We do this precisely because of how critical the management of end-user devices is.”
Osman says that technical expertise is obviously non-negotiable, but that all employees go through self-mastery courses to develop a stronger sense of themselves.
“We want technically astute people to work for us, but they also need to understand themselves and other people. This goes a long way towards building a company culture that makes people want to work for you, and want to deliver the best service possible.
“My leadership style is to frame things through the lens of four quadrants: service provider, employer, shareholder and corporate citizen of choice. This is filtered down through the organisation at each level to drive a company culture that values collaboration, continuous learning, and excellence. I always tell people that I can talk about Nkgwete and our people, but would welcome them to come walk around our offices and see this culture, champions with a human touch, at play for themselves.”
The IT industry is well-known for being male-dominated, but Osman says finding gender parity is entirely possible, it just requires a focused strategy.
“A champion can be a man or a woman, and finding women in a male-dominated industry requires a robust recruitment strategy. Obviously there is a skills shortage in the sector, but prioritising gender parity will become a self-fulfilling prophecy because the more girls see successful women in IT, the more girls will enter IT as a career,” explains Osman.