The Digital Transformation Centre Kenya, a project implemented by GIZ and commissioned by the Government of Germany and the European Union, today launched The Green and Digital Innovation Hub Kenya (gDIH), a ground-breaking initiative to support micro to small and medium-sized enterprises in Kenya (MSMEs).
The Green and Digital Innovation Hub (gDIH) will provide MSMEs and startups country-wide with access to technology and innovation resources.
By fostering a culture of digital innovation and entrepreneurship, the Hub equips MSMEs with the tools, skills, and networks necessary to thrive in the digital economy. Additionally, the Hub will serve as a platform for collaboration, learning, and growth while promoting environmentally sustainable business practices.
The gDIH will open next month and will be operated by a consortium of dedicated Kenyan entities comprising the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute, the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, Kenya National Innovation Agency and Konza Technopolis.
Key speakers at the launch ceremony and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) included Hon. Eng. John Tanui, Principal Secretary of the Ministry for ICT and the Digital Economy, Alexander Fierley, Head of the Economic Division at the German Embassy in Nairobi, and Milou Vanmulken Programme Manager Digitalisation and Macroeconomics, EU Kenya.
The MoU was signed by representatives of GIZ and the ACTS Consortium, followed by the unveiling of the gDIH website.
The event included a panel discussion titled “Green and Digital Realities: A Journey to Establishing the Green and Digital Innovation Hub,” which included Eng. Edward Karani, the Director of Infrastructure Development, Technology, and Innovation at the (Micro and Small Enterprises Authority), Milou Vanmulken (Programme Manager Digitalisation and Macroeconomics, EU Kenya), Sylvia Mukasa (Digital Innovation Hub Expert, GIZ-DTC-SKIIVE Project), Tony Omwansa (CEO, Kenya National Innovation Agency), and Prof. Tom Ogada (Executive Director, ACTS), with the discussion moderated by Kudzai Mubaiwa, Team Leader of the GIZ-DTC-SKIIVE Project.

Mr. Bernd Lakemeier, Programme Director Sustainable Economic Development, GIZ Kenya, emphasized,
“This Hub marks a significant stride towards a more sustainable and digitally advanced Kenya, with its potential to bring about transformative effects on the market and industry. As the digital economy evolves and competition becomes more intense, the gDIH stands as a distinctive platform for MSMEs to level the playing field, ensuring equitable access to digital innovation opportunities for all MSMEs in Kenya, irrespective of their geographical location.”
Prof. Tom Ogada, the Team Lead of the ACTS consortium, added:
“Embedding a green ethos into technological advancements holds substantial implications for Kenya’s sustainable development and economic growth. By fostering collaborations with diverse stakeholders and organizations, we are committed to extending the Hub’s influence beyond Nairobi to encompass all 47 counties, facilitating linkages to expertise, markets, and access to capital beyond the borders of our nation.”