Welcome to new year! As we step into 2025, the world of PR monitoring and measurement is undergoing a significant transformation.
This year, we anticipate trends that will reshape how brands, PR agencies, and independent measurement consultancies collaborate, ensuring transparency, unbiased analyses, and actionable insights.
In this newsletter, I will provide a dual perspective: the Nigerian PR monitoring landscape and the global outlook for 2025.
Local PR Monitoring and Measurement Outlook: Nigeria in 2025
- Increased Demand for Transparency: Nigerian brands are recognizing the importance of transparency in PR outcomes. There will be heightened demand for agencies to provide detailed, unbiased performance audits.
- Adoption of Independent Measurement Consultancies: The era of self-evaluation by PR agencies is waning. In 2025, more Nigerian brands will partner with independent consultancies like P+ Measurement Services to ensure objective insights that foster accountability.
- Integration of Technology with Local Expertise: As AI tools and platforms gain traction, Nigerian PR professionals must strike a balance between technology-driven insights and localized expertise to cater to the unique dynamics of our market.
- Shift from ROI to ROO (Return on Objectives): In 2025, Nigerian PR practitioners will move beyond traditional ROI (Return on Investment) metrics that focus solely on financial outcomes. Instead, there will be a focus on ROO (Return on Objectives), emphasizing how PR efforts meet broader organizational goals such as brand awareness, reputation enhancement, stakeholder engagement, and social impact. This shift aligns with the evolving Nigerian economic landscape, where businesses prioritize long-term value creation and sustainability over short-term financial gains.
- Education as a Driver for Adoption: The need for education on measurement standards will grow. Initiatives like AMEC’s Measurement Month and local workshops like EvaluatePR event by P+ Measurement Services , Spin Sucks led by Gini Dietrich, and Measurement Base Camp by Paine Publishing led by Katie Delahaye Paine will play a pivotal role in driving adoption and bridging the knowledge gap among PR professionals.
Global PR Monitoring and Measurement Outlook: 2025
- Increased Collaboration Between PR Agencies and Measurement Experts: Globally, we will see stronger partnerships between PR professionals and measurement consultants to deliver credible, data-backed reports that influence boardroom decisions.
- Standardization Through Education: AMEC Measurement and Evaluation (International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication) and its members will continue leading the charge in educating PR professionals on best practices, ensuring global alignment on measurement standards like the Barcelona Principles, Measurement Maturity Mapper and Measurement Framework.
- Rising Demand for Unbiased Audits: Brands across the globe will increasingly seek independent PR measurement audits, avoiding conflicts of interest and ensuring that insights are impartial and actionable.
- Adoption of Technology and Real-Time Analytics: The rise of real-time monitoring and advanced analytics tools will enable PR professionals to adjust strategies dynamically, making campaigns more impactful.
- Focus on ESG and Social Impact Metrics: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics will take center stage in global PR measurement. Organizations will prioritize measuring how their communications align with sustainability and societal goals.
The Way Forward
2025 marks a year of audacious transformation in PR monitoring and measurement, both in Nigeria and globally. At P+ Measurement Services, we are committed to driving this change by partnering with brands, agencies, and global stakeholders to deliver transparent, unbiased, and impactful insights.
The success of PR measurement lies in the collaboration between PR professionals and measurement experts, coupled with continuous education and adherence to global standards. As a founding member of AMEC Member Lab Initiative, I am optimistic about the role we will play in shaping the future of this industry.
Let us redefine PR measurement together, one campaign at a time.
*Philip Odiakose is a leader and advocate of PR monitoring, measurement, and evaluation in Nigeria. He is also the Chief Media Analyst at P+ Measurement Services, a member of AMEC Lab Initiative, NIPR and AMCRON