Dr. Babatunde Oghenobruche Obrimah, the Chief Operating Officer of Fintech Association of Nigeria (FintechNGR), has been inducted into the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) as a Fellow.
NIM was established in 1961 when a general meeting of top managers in Commerce, Industry and Government was convened to discuss the formation of a management Institute in Nigeria.
Subsequently, the Nigerian Institute of Management Establishment Act 2003 was enacted as an Act of National Assembly on the 19th of June 2003 establishing the Nigerian Institute of Management as a body corporate under that.
The inductee, Dr Babatunde Oghenobruche Obrimah, is a fintech enthusiast and a multi-skilled individual with working experiences spanning the banking sector, non-bank financial services sector, financial consulting services, project management and public sector.
His Professional career commenced at First Bank Nigeria Plc and worked in various banks during his banking career.
He serves on the board of various Fintech companies, holds a Doctorate Degree in Business Administration (D.B.A.), a M.B.A., B.Sc/M.Sc in Agronomy and has Certifications in Project Management (PMP) and Life Coaching.
Now a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Management (FNIM) and Honorary Senior member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers (HCIB).
Dr Obrimah has attended many courses locally and internationally including one on Digital Transformation at MIT.
Some photos from the induction ceremony: